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Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions that cater to high support needs or extreme functional impairment or very high support needs to live comfortably and receive their daily supports. Appropriate housing can have a profoundly positive affect on people’s lives, enabling them to live comfortably and enjoy life to the fullest. It can include shared supported accommodation, community residential units, or self-contained homes that are fitted with specialist housing solutions.


We provide the best support workers to take care of you, out of whom you choose someone with similar interests as you, and we ensure they respect your perspective and nurture your growth according to your unique needs. The accommodation is designed keeping in mind the comforting needs of a person with functional impairment and to cater different individual requirements. Our support staff highly encourages the participants choices and guide them to be proactive. 

All our Specialist Disability Accommodation properties are built according to Liveable Housing Australia  and NDIS SDA Design Standards.

Our Vacancies

West Melbourne

Improved Liveability

A Brand New property designed in accordance with the 2021 NDIS SDA Design Standards to Improved Liveability level and features a spacious kitchen, dining and living area, Accessible Bathroom as well as a separate lounge, courtyard and outdoor Alfresco area.

Bright Access- SDA6
Bright Access- SDA5
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Bright Access- SDA1


A rare opportunity to move in to a brand new home in heart of Warragul with short drive to twin towns Drouin and Warragul. A short drive to twin towns both Drouin and Warragul.

Improved Liveability

Get in touch to discuss how we can help

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We are a registered NDIS provider who tailor our support to ensure you pursue your diverse individual goals at home or in the community. Our aim is to provide the best supports and services to those in need. Our professional experienced staff provide personalised care and create a warm friendly atmosphere.



03 8595 1911



Melbourne West , Victoria

South East Melbourne, Victoria

Warragul, Victoria

Yarragon, Victoria

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