NDIS Pricing
Bright Access charges for supports delivered in line with the NDIS price guide / supports catalogue. This price guide is subject to increases on an annual basis and Bright Access will increase prices as at 1 July each year in line with NDIS released prices. Bright Access and participants will sign a Service Agreement and Schedule of Support for mutually agreed services/ rates.
For up to date NDIS pricing, visit: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-and-pricing
For SDA Pricing guide please visit https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/housing-and-living-supports-and-services/housing/specialist-disability-accommodation/sda-pricing-and-payments#sda-price-guide
Temporary price increase
In response to the coronavirus, effective 25 March 2020, the NDIA has temporarily increased price limits for some supports. These supports include:
Assistance with Daily Life (excluding Supported Independent Living)
Assistance with Social and Community Participation
Improved Health and Wellbeing (excluding personal training)
Improved Daily Living Skills
CPL is implementing the new rates for all applicable supports from 25 March 2020.
If you have any concerns about your NDIS package being unable to accommodate these price increases, then please contact your NDIS Planner.
The NDIS have also made changes to the definition of a short term cancellation and associated charges.
Visit the for more detailed information Visit NDIS Price Guide page about the temporary price increases and changes to cancellations.
We understand you want to get the most out of your NDIS package, and receive high quality services for the best price.
That’s why we align our pricing to the most up-to-date NDIS price guide. Our Price Promise is to never charge an individual more than the NDIS price guide. The NDIA reviews the NDIS price guide annually and sets prices that reflect wage inflation, market trends and ensure the NDIS remains sustainable.
In line with terms and conditions outlined in our customer Service Agreement, Bright Access adjusts its fee schedule to align with updated pricing from the NDIA. The new Bright Access price guide is available below for download.
The new NDIS price guides may be accessed via these links:
NDIS Support Catalogue 2019/20
The NDIA has adjusted funding on all existing participant plans to reflect indexation; the changes in the price limits for therapy, attendant care and community participation; and the application of the Temporary Transformation Payment.
Adjustments to participant plans are calculated by the NDIA based on individual circumstances, so please contact the NDIA with any questions you may have about their indexation process.
If you have any questions, please contact the following:
For questions about adjustments to your plan to allow for the price increases – National Disability Insurance Agency, 1800 800 110
For questions about Bright Access’s pricing, 0425117213