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Bright Access SDA


Specialist Disability Accommodation

Supporting you to live the life you want, in the home environment of your choice. If you are looking for accommodation solutions that work for you, we can help!

Bright Access is a upcoming registered SDA provider, and offers a range of accommodation options to help you maximise your independence.

You will be supported to live independently and be involved in running your home. You will also be supported to connect and play an active part in your local community.

Our houses are designed specifically to suit the needs of people with disability and generally operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with staff that sleepover at night. If you need extra assistance at night, we can provide staff on an ‘awake’ shift.

To find out where our current SDA vacancies are or to discuss further, please get in touch today.

Specialist Disability Accommodation
Short Term

Short Term Accommodation or  Respite care provides short-term, temporary and emergency relief to family or friends who care for people with significant or permanent care needs.

If you are looking after a family member or friend need a break or additional help, our services can be arranged casually, on a regular basis or in an emergency.

Our houses are designed specifically to suit the needs of people with disability and generally operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with staff that sleepover at night. If you need extra assistance at night, we can provide staff on an ‘awake’ shift.

To find out where our current SDA vacancies are or to discuss further, please get in touch today.

Short Term Accommodation
Mid Term

MTA (Mid Term Accommodation) covers the accommodation only which is then supported by the participant’s support hours claimable from Core Budget and existing disability support arrangements. It is intended that MTA is to be claimable for a period of up to 90 days.

Providing NDIS participants with access to medium-term transitional housing aims to reduce the number of young people in aged care, minimize delays in hospital discharges and support participants transitioning from custodial settings into the community.

Our houses are designed specifically to suit the needs of people with disability and generally operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with staff that sleepover at night. If you need extra assistance at night, we can provide staff on an ‘awake’ shift.

To find out where our current SDA vacancies are or to discuss further, please get in touch today.

Mid Term Accommodation
Specialist Disability Accommodation
Short Term Accommodation
Mid Term Accommodation
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We are a registered NDIS provider who tailor our support to ensure you pursue your diverse individual goals at home or in the community. Our aim is to provide the best supports and services to those in need. Our professional experienced staff provide personalised care and create a warm friendly atmosphere.



03 8595 1911



Melbourne West , Victoria

South East Melbourne, Victoria

Warragul, Victoria

Yarragon, Victoria

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